The primary cause of success is not luck but ambition. People who are ambitious and strive to improve their circumstances are the ones who usually see the most success in life. It is not simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time – though that can certainly play a role – more often, it is a result of hard work and determination.

There will always be obstacles in life, but it is up to the individual to overcome them. Those who are ambitious and have their sights set on a better future will find a way to overcome whatever is in their way. Some people are content to live in mediocrity, but ambition is the key to success for those who are not.

No matter what level of success someone wants to achieve, it will always require ambition. It is up to each individual to decide how ambitious they will be. For some, contentment comes from a simple, comfortable existence. But others are never satisfied with where they are and strive to achieve more.

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